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Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community

Gardening Together

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          What a semester! The entirety of my ADL journey has been quite the wild ride. When I started this program in March of 2023 I was still mentally recovering from the loss of my husband and I’s first baby that January. My depression was a heavy weight but I looked forward to starting the ADL program as a way to reset my mind and put my focus on something else. It helped me to do just that. I finally started to feel like more of myself when my second semester started that June. It was that Second semester that I met two of the most wonderful ladies I could have hoped to meet; Rebekah Ard and Katie Beauchene. While our collaborative group consisted of three others those two ladies were a huge support to me especially when I found out that semester that I was pregnant with my Rainbow baby. Being high risk I knew that completing my degree and going through the pregnancy wouldn’t be easy but it would be worth it Rebekah, Katie, my mentor, and my husband supported me the whole time. Once the new school year began I knew that I wouldn’t be able to be as hands-on as I would have liked to be for my innovation project but as I learned to have crucial conversations I was able to enlist the help of my leadership team and other teachers. My principal took on the LEGO club when I was not there. We would collaborate about different builds the students could do to go along with what they were learning in the classroom. The Science Olympiad team that I was afraid was a pipeline dream became a reality when a teacher took charge and became head coach after a few conversations that we had. That team took 12 students to the Science Olympiad last Saturday and while they didn’t place, they had an absolute blast working together. While each semester had its ups and downs I knew that this semester, my last semester in the ADL program was going to be my most challenging. This semester I learned how to conduct my own action research while I wasn’t able to begin my action research this school year I look forward to starting it next school year. Why is my mind already thinking of next school year? I am officially on maternity leave after giving birth to my sweet baby girl on February 21st. Again during the most terrifying time in my life, I was able to lean on  Rebekah and Katie to communicate with my professors while I focused on my baby in the NICU. Three days later we were released and I was back to working on my course work. While it has been an adjustment I wouldn’t have it any other way. I honestly believe I am going to miss being a part of this program. The professors and the people have made this my most enjoyable college experience. 


My Believed Score for 5315: 80 out of 100

My Believed Score for 5320 : 80 out of 100

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