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My Implementation Plan

STEP 1: Slow introduction to Fab Fridays


          During the computer lab time, students will be given the opportunity to have Fabrication  Friday. Fabrication Friday is currently a time for students to build with Legos. The first Fab Friday activity will just be free time for building with a partner. This will foster the understanding of collaboration while also giving them time to just let their imagination sore. The second activity will be to write and story and build the scene to go with that story. Teams of two to three students will be given an iPad and a Lego storyboard along with the Lego kit of course. At the end of the class, students will be given the time to share if they wish. Also, to allow the students to take pride in their work, We will print the story along with the pictures of their work to post on the bulletin board outside of the computer lab. The last Fabrication Friday will take place during the last rotation for the end of the year. During this activity, there will be about six teams. During each class, students will be put into one of the teams. The Kindergartener will be given the opportunity to build anything they like. As the other three classes come in, however, they will add to the previous build with one rule. No removing of any pieces. The finished results will be published in the Morning Announcement during the last week of school. 


STEP 1a: Summer Research


         Over the summer I will do research on different STEAM activities. I will make sure that my campus's technology can support the different apps I plan on using, such as OSMO, TinkerCad, and DJI. My goal is to focus on making use of the products my campus already has and just doesn't use. 


STEP 2: Introducing the STEAM mTeam. 

*September 11, 2023


          My admin team meets every first Monday of the month. September 4th is a holiday so I have no doubt that our meeting will be on the 11th. In this meeting, I plan to fully introduce my Innovation Plan of having a STEAM club meet Friday afternoons during the “FunClub Block”. My reason for waiting until this meeting to introduce the ideal is to avoid stressful time frames. Right now we are moving into Testing Season. Right now my admin team is worried about being ready for 3rd-grade testing, teachers are worried about getting grades done, and the kids are ready for summer. We are all ready for summer. 


STEP 3: Fresh start of STEAM Club


          My Campuses fun clubs begin during the second semester, putting the first day of STEAM Club on October 20th. The first few classes will mostly be using Legos in response to different prompts. Then we will start to introduce different science topics such as water tension through barge building and how light can travel using mirrors. I want to attempt to organically build interest in step 4. 


POSSIBLE STEP 4: Science Olympiad 


          Science Olympiad is open for students in 3rd through 5th grade. If my students show an interest in participating in Science Olympiad I will do my best to find a teacher that is willing to be the sponsor. According to our District rules, teams must be Sponsered by at least one teacher. Since my campus only houses 3rd grade our students usually miss the first year of the Science Olympiad. I at least want the to have the opportunity to learn from the first year and grow from it into their second year. 




          Whether or not the students go to the science olympiad we will still use different projects that would have been involved, so that students can get their feet wet. Throughout the year we will move through several different STEAM-related activities that we already have the resources for such as; Legos, OSMO, MakerSpace, and 3D Printing through TickerCad. My hope is that once the staff sees the results of the STEAM club, whether it be in social skills or academics, they will want to be involved. I would love to collaborate with teachers and add a hands-on STEAM aspect to whatever students are working on. 


STEP ∞: On Going


          With admin approval, the STEAM Club would be a continued part of our campus’s lifestyle. Since everything that we are using will be resources we already have each Club time has to flexibility to be whatever would benefit our students the most. A tentative STEAM CLUB would be as followers:


October - Legos

November - OSMO Drawing

December - MakerSpace and Recycling

January - Science Olympiad Activities 

February thru March - Science Olympiad Practice

April thru May - TinkerCad and 3D Printing


I cannot wait to see how much our students grow through the STEAM Club at our campus. 

Thank you for visiting my page! 

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